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Ballycraigy Primary School, Bracken Ave, Antrim

The Ballycraigy Way- our behavioural code


The Ballycraigy Way is not an isolated project, or a curriculum add on,  rather it is a way of life for our school community. We want our pupils to be proud to Ballycraigy and to go above and beyond in all that do. In line with our vision we aim to inspire our pupils to follow our rules and to prepare them for Ballycraigy and Beyond. 

Our anti-bullying approach aims to develop resilience in our students by providing them with the tools they require to problem solve and resolve conflict. In line with this we have put in place a range of preventive strategies including awareness raising through Anti Bullying Week, Cyper-Bullying, Internet Safety Day, anti bullying posters, worry boxes, buddy systems including Playground Pals, support for newcomer pupils and their families and P7 lunch time monitors who help the Foundation Stage pupils.

All the children participate in the Paths Plus Programme which helps them understand their own feelings and emotions as well as those of others. It gives pupils the scaffold to solve problems with the support of staff and peers in a range of ways. Each child is given the opportunity to be 'Pupil of the Day' regardless of their performance or behaviour. All the community celebrate through giving compliments, positions of responsibility and celebrating individuality.

Responsive strategies include the identification of vulnerable children and the putting in place of appropriate plans of support including Friendship small Group Group, Nurture Room Time, student counselling and emotional check ins. Our nurturing approach is central to all that we do and all our staff are trained to listen and understand our pupils.